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“Reel” Insight Into the AIMS
Watch as a multidisciplinary panel of experts provides guidance on conducting the AIMS exam in various patient settings. Within this series of short videos, watch as HCPs conduct an AIMS exam with 2 unique patients with tardive dyskinesia. Explanations for scoring and interpretation are provided.
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Tardive Dyskinesia: A Look Into My Practice
This interactive resource emphasizes the importance of informed tardive dyskinesia care and provides guidance at each stage of the patient journey: whom to screen for TD, how to screen, and how to follow up.
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MIND-TD Telehealth Exam: Listen for Tardive Dyskinesia
Imagine you have a telehealth appointment with a patient, but there is no access to a video. Dr Rakesh Jain demonstrates how you can listen for abnormal movements.
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Approximately 25% of all patients taking antipsychotic medications may have tardive dyskinesia (TD),1 and it can impact their mental well-being.2,3
It’s time to see TD.
It’s time to see TD.
Ask The Faculty
See expert responses to questions
on tardive dyskinesia—from types of movements and differentiating TD from other movement disorders to following the latest clinical guidelines.
on tardive dyskinesia—from types of movements and differentiating TD from other movement disorders to following the latest clinical guidelines.
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Screening for Tardive Dyskinesia: Best Practices in Person, Over Video, or via Telephone
Listen in as Dr Greg Mattingly and psychiatric nurse practitioner Michelle Shamblin share their clinical experiences with tardive dyskinesia and discuss best practices for tardive dyskinesia screening.
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Tardive Dyskinesia "Screen Time": Best Screening Practices in Person, Over Video, or via Telephone
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Risk Factors for Tardive Dyskinesia — Is My Patient at Higher Risk?
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Guidelines and Consensus on Screening and Treatment of Tardive Dyskinesia
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Helpful Practices for Tardive Dyskinesia Care via Telemedicine
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The MIND-TD Questionnaire
The MIND-TD questionnaire can help clinicians facilitate a dialogue about abnormal movements with patients at risk for tardive dyskinesia.
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The Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS): Understanding the What, Why, When, and How
A resource on the AIMS. What is it? Why do we do it? When should we do it? And how can we conduct the AIMS in a diverse patient population?
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Tardive Dyskinesia: A Look Into My Practice
This interactive resource emphasizes the importance of informed tardive dyskinesia care and provides guidance at each stage of the patient journey: whom to screen for tardive dyskinesia, how to screen, and how to follow up. This hypothetical patient journey is intended to provide general information and is not representative of all patient experiences.
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Expert Commentary: Differentiate Tardive Dyskinesia
Bonus feature! Watch a clinical conversation between 2 experts as they discuss specific observations following the administration of the MIND-TD Questionnaire.
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Screening for Tardive Dyskinesia via Telehealth With the MIND-TD Questionnaire
Watch as Dr Rakesh Jain and psychiatric nurse practitioner Desiree Matthews demonstrate the use of the MIND-TD Questionnaire via audio-only and video telehealth appointments.
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MIND-TD Telehealth Exam: See Tardive Dyskinesia
Dr Rakesh Jain provides clear directions in order to conduct a successul screening exam in the video telehealth setting.
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MIND-TD Telehealth Exam: Listen for Tardive Dyskinesia
Imagine you have a telehealth appointment with a patient, but there is no access to a video. Dr Rakesh Jain demonstrates how you can listen for abnormal movements.
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2 Minutes to Spot Tardive Dyskinesia
Desiree Matthews demonstrates how to screen for TD in only 2 minutes by using the MIND portion of the MIND-TD Questionnaire.
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Expert Commentary: The Power of M-I-N-D
Bonus feature! Two experts discuss how just 4 simple questions can be useful for identifying patients who might be experiencing abnormal movements.
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“Reel” Insight Into the AIMS
Watch as a multidisciplinary panel of experts provides guidance on conducting the AIMS exam in various patient settings. Within this series of short videos, watch as HCPs conduct an AIMS exam with 2 unique patients with tardive dyskinesia. Explanations for scoring and interpretation are provided.
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See It, Rate It: AIMS Video Quizzes
A great way to practice using the AIMS is to try it on real patients. In this series of video quizzes, you will view clips that depict involuntary movements in real patients. As you watch, rate the severity of movements in each body region on an AIMS score sheet. Then compare your score to experts’ and read their explanations.
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