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360-Degree Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia: Functional, Emotional, and Social Impact
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Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia on Broader Mental Well-being
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Cumulative Burden of Illness in Veterans With Tardive Dyskinesia and Serious Mental Disorders
Dr Greg Mattingly reviews a retrospective study published by Dr Stanley Caroff and colleagues evaluating the risk and burden of tardive dyskinesia among veterans with serious mental illness.
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"We Need to Look, We Need to Ask." Spotting Tardive Dyskinesia in Practice
Dr Mattingly and Tammy LeBlanc-Russo get real about discussing tardive dyskinesia with their patients. They highlight the importance of initiating conversations.
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Beyond Movement: Appreciating the Social Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia
Patients say that TD can be embarrassing, and some report a social impact. The experts highlight the social impact of tardive dyskinesia.
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“Are You Really Okay?” How Tardive Dyskinesia Affects Day-to-Day
“Are You Really Okay?” That's the question that Dr Mattingly and Tammy LeBlanc-Russo encourage you to explore when asking your patients with tardive dyskinesia about their daily lives and emotional well-being.
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360-Degree Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia: Functional, Emotional, and Social Impact
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Functional Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia
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Prevalence and Incidence of Tardive Dyskinesia
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Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia on Broader Mental Well-being
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Cumulative Burden of Illness in Veterans With Tardive Dyskinesia and Serious Mental Disorders
Dr Greg Mattingly reviews a retrospective study published by Dr Stanley Caroff and colleagues evaluating the risk and burden of tardive dyskinesia among veterans with serious mental illness.
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Tardive Dyskinesia Translation: Symptoms and Impact
Clinicians and patients don't always speak the same language. How can clinicians decode communication of the patient, care partner, or staff to ultimately make the diagnosis of TD? In these brief videos, clinicians explain how a tardive dyskinesia diagnosis was made through decoding communication by narrating a real patient case from their practice.
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Recognizing Blind Spots
In brief, candid interviews, clinicians humbly reveal past shortcomings of diagnosing tardive dyskinesia in clinical practice. Some were missing it, misdiagnosing it, or even brushing it aside to focus on the primary condition. Each clinician shares how their approach to tardive dyskinesia has evolved with new learnings and offers their hopeful take on the future of tardive dyskinesia management.
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